Study North Carolina
StudyNC Membership Information
This page is for regionally accredited higher education institutions in North Carolina interested in StudyNC membership.
StudyNC has created a listserv for members. Click here to join. Please share this link with colleagues who may be interested in keeping abreast of StudyNC opportunities and updates.
Why StudyNC?
The purpose of Study North Carolina is to work collaboratively with its members to promote North Carolina internationally as the premier education destination for students, researchers, visiting professors, and other exchange visitors. StudyNC will accomplish this through special programs and global outreach.
To participate in Study North Carolina, or for questions, please see the below membership application or contact us at
StudyNC Goals and Objectives:
Consist of appropriately accredited education and training organizations in the state of North Carolina
Connect international students and professionals with quality education and training options in North Carolina
Promote and market education opportunities in North Carolina
Increase the visibility of North Carolina education and training, abroad and domestically
Benefits of a StudyNC Consortium:
Pool resources for joint international marketing
Raise the profile of the state as a study destination and provider of quality education
Group participation in government programs, both state and federal
Greater access to private funding group rates and in-kind contributions
Share expertise and experience
Member Benefits:
Presence on the Study North Carolina web page, future website, and social media
Representation at conferences, workshops, and other events
Group participation in international student recruitment-focused webinars, matchmaking events, and best practices sessions
Registration discounts at certain recruitment events
Shared information and best practices for recruiting international students
Professional development opportunities
Current member institutions include Appalachian State University, Campbell University, Catawba College, East Carolina University, Greensboro College, High Point University, Meredith College, Methodist University, NC A&T State University, NC State University, UNC Charlotte, UNC Greensboro, UNC Pembroke, UNC Wilmington, and Western Carolina University.
Interested in Becoming a Member?
Membership is subject to approval of application and payment of annual dues. To learn more, please contact Study North Carolina at To join, please complete the below membership application and send to
Please click on the below PDF icon to access the membership application.

Membership Application
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